Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Not Again....

Yet another month without a successful conception.  This month, I wasn't as disappointed or down like I was last month.  Don't get me wrong, it still hurt, but to a lesser degree.  I thought about the stories I heard about my mom and the miscarriages that she had years before I was born, and about other family members that never had children for unknown reasons.  This led my thoughts into wondering if there could be something genetic going on.  I've had all the fertility tests done and all say there's nothing wrong, but there has to be something.  My only justification at this point is that God doesn't feel it's time yet.  That in itself can be disappointing because it seems like there's something wrong with us preventing parenthood and our patience is wearing thin.  Prayer has definitely been helpful dealing with all of this, but I am really curious about the possible genetic link.  We've decided to give it one more month and then off to the doctors we go.

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