Thursday, October 20, 2011

Who's Amber Cole? And why should we care?

One of the YouTube channels that I follow is that of HIMAY10NENCE.  I noticed last night that she had uploaded another video and in title it said "Amber Cole is our responsibility".  I immediately thought she was talking about the chick who's with Wiz Khalif.  Anywho, I watched the video today and found out how wrong I was.  Amber Cole is NOT Amber Rose. 

So here's the deal.  There is a 14 year old girl named Amber Cole who performed oral sex on a 14 year old boy in what appeared to be school grounds.  It is said that Amber was coerced by the boy in that he told her they would get back together if she did this task.  So, she did what she thought she had to do.  There were onlookers as well, so I'm not sure if the boy was taping the incident or someone else.  At any rate, this video has been circling the internet over the past couple of days.  I have not seen it and have no desire to do so.  It has been rumored that the girl is under suicide watch.

What gets under my skin about this story is that I have teenage nieces - one of which is around Amber's age.  I hate to think that some boy could easily fool any of them into such a despicable act.  It's not funny, it's not cute, and it certainly is not a good look for any female young or old to perform such an act in front of an audience.  This situation screams a lack of self-respect and low self-esteem.  I'm not bashing Amber, but rather pointing out the obvious.  This girl thought that she was making a wise choice and for what?  My guess is for love and attention.  This makes me wonder what her home and family life are like, what is it like for her in school, and what community is she a part of.  These are questions that come to mind because I do believe that forces outside of the home can have just as much of an impact as those within.

Those of us over the age of 18 know what it's like to be a teenager.  Sure there are peer pressures and for some of us our parent(s) tell us what to do, what to look out for, and all of that.  I don't know this girl's mother or father so I don't know what has been instilled in her.  What I do know is that this girl is in need of a healing.  Please pray for her, the boy, their families, and all others who are like Amber.

Now, in the title of this post I asked "why should we care".  We should care because this is another human being.  It's as simple as that.  Amber could easily be your daughter, your niece, a friend's child, or a girl that you know down the street.  Girls that think, feel, and act in this way grow up to be women who think, feel, and act this way.  There has to be a break in the cycle.  And we can do that by reaching out and helping those in need.  You'd be surprised at how many children (male and female) just want someone to acknowledge their existence - accept them, let them know that someone cares about them and their well-being.  And if you think about it, these are individuals who are our future, the leaders of our tomorrow.  How comfortable to feel about that when you look at the children around you?   If it's not a good feeling, do something to help implement a positive change.

1 comment:

  1. I had to come back to this post to write an update. I'm a firm believer that you can't help someone that does not want to be helped or know that they need help. If you try, 9 times out of 10, you will be spinning your wheels and wasting time.

    I write this because after hearing about this situation, I did some lurking on Twitter. If the account that was listed is really the one for the girl in question, then there is so much going on with her. First, she doesn't think she did anything wrong. Second, she mentions that she hates the boys that were involved. Third, shortly after writing that she hated the boys, she then stated that she loves them and needs them in her life.

    Granted, she is 14 and most children are fickle. I get that. But the problem that I had with the whole thing is, why is this child even on the internet after this has happened. I know parents can't be everywhere, but this child mentioned that she was in her mother's presence at least twice while she was on Twitter. I'm really concerned for this girl, but what can you do? She and her family will definitely be in my prayers.
