Thursday, February 23, 2012

Importance of Water on Health and Well-being

I've never been a fan of water even as a child when we had what was called well water.  No matter how pure the water was, I could taste the minerals.  Now that bottled water is everywhere under the sun, I'm still not a fan.  It doesn't have the mineral taste, but it still makes me gag.  So I know to some degree it's a mental thing.  Do I have to put mind over matter when it comes to drinking water?  The answer is an unequivical yes. 

Before I went for my annual physical last year, I told a nurse about how every year I get jabbed numerous times in both arms when it comes time for labwork.  I wanted to know why this happens no matter who's taking my blood and what I can do to prevent it.  She emphasized drinking at least 8 glasses of water the day before my physical.  This would help my blood to be more hydrated, making it easier to find my veins.  So, I drank the water (gagging all the way through....j/k) and believe it or not, she was right.  The nurse only had to prick me once.  Thank God!!!!!!!

Another benefit of water pertains to mental health.  When the body becomes dehydrated, it affects the cells.  This could cause physical symptoms such as fatigue, headaches, joint stiffness, and other ailments.  As dehydration progresses it could lead to depressive symptoms such as sleep issues, low mood, further fatigue, and poor concentration.  Drinking more water could help to alleviate these symptoms.  But in either case, seeking the advice of a mental health or medical professional is best for diagnosis and treatment if dehydration is the cause.

And of course, here's the benefit from water that I'm looking for right with weight loss.  I've read a lot of health websites and one thing seems to be in common - drinking water aids in weight loss.  The concept is that if we drink a glass or two of water prior to each meal, it can assist with the "full feeling" so that we don't overeat.  In addition, the more calories that we burn via exercise, the more toxins that we shake lose in our body.  And since exercise causes a loss of water from the body, drinking water helps to replenish what was loss and wash away toxins through urination.  Water also aids in keeping our organs and muscles lubricated as well as aid oxygen in the blood. 

I have been biting the bullet and drinking more water.  On most days I drink at least 4-6 glasses via my 32 oz water bottle (the recommended amount is 8 glasses per day or 2 of my 32oz water bottle).  I have noticed that when I drink more water that I lose more weight and I don't feel as tired.  With this in mind, there is truth to the research I've read thus far.  The only part that is different for me is that it doesn't necessarily help me with feeling full.  Again, I believe this is a mind trick for me in that if I have my mind set to eat certain things in certain amounts, no amount of water will make me feel full to where I won't eat those portions.  All in all, I do find water important to overall health, and I will try my best to incorporate it more and more.  Onward and upward!!!!

The information above is opinion and experience of the blogger.   Please seek the advice of a medical and/or mental health professional for your specific needs.

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