Monday, January 16, 2012

Weight Loss Redux

A few months back I mentioned that I was trying to lose weight and that I was trying to shed pounds through diet and exercise.  Well, things went left and whatever I did lose (a whopping 4 lbs) I gained back.  Soooo, just like I said in my New Year's video, time shouldn't be wasted when it comes to achieving goals.  I took my own advice and have started back on the weight loss journey.

At this point, I have completed my first week of eating better and exercising.  On Tuesday and Thursday, I did 30 minutes of strength training, and 25-30 minutes of cardio (Intro to Belly Dancing and Billy Blanks Jr).  On Saturday, I rode my bike about 3 miles and did 30 minutes on the treadmill.  I have to admit that I felt more energized after working out.  I can certainly use it.

Eating has actually been easy and enjoyable this week.  I ate a high fiber cereal with milk or not in the mornings, and portioned entrees for lunch.  Dinner is generally steak, chicken, or soup with sides of veggies.  Snacks have been anything from baked chips to smoothies.  Before, I was a soda feine, but I've cut back and drink more water or flavored water (I try to watch how much sugar I take in).  Overall, my food intake has been between 1200-1550 calories per day with my goal of calories to burn each week set at 980.  In just a week's time, I've lost 5 pounds. 

I feel excited about the progress so far.  I've been telling myself to take it a day at a time and not to get so caught up in the number of pounds I want to lose overall and when I want to lose it by.  I think that added to my stress and feelings of discouragement beforehand.  Especially when I didn't see results after putting in the work.  One thing is for certain, 2012 will be my year of positive change.


  1. I need to lose weight too. I started a Zumba class recently, and it has been GREAT. Like not exercising at all. I'm still working on the eating though. :-(

  2. Eating is my issue too. Either I crave something unhealthy or eat out of boredom/not being busy. We'll get it together. We're already on the right track. :-)
