Wednesday, August 31, 2011

What's that on my face?

Ever notice unexpected blemishes that seem to appear out of nowhere?  Well here's a possible cause for it.  Your pillow. 

We have oils in our hair and face that rub off and absorb into our pillows.  Even if we wash the pillow case, we may not catch the dirt and oil that has leaked into the actual pillow.  On top of that, if you and your significant other share pillows, chances are that you could be swapping oil.  Sure it sounds gross and nasty even, but it is true and some have experienced it....including me. 

After my husband and I married, my face would break out a lot.  I wasn't sure what was causing these breakouts.  At first, I thought I was allergic to him (just kidding folks).  Using over-the-counter acne creams, washes, scrubs didn't work.    Finally, I noticed that the pimples went away after washing the bed linens and pillows (and yes the linens get washed regularly, we're not trolls LOL).  What was happening was my husband and I were using each other's pillows.  No big deal.  A pillow's a pillow, right?  Wrong....or at least for me.  The problem was that my husband's natural oils transferred to the pillows and when I laid on those pillows, the oils absorbed into my pores and created pimples.  So I guess I was allergic to him afterall. :-)

So to keep the pimples at bay, I make sure to keep our pillows separate.  I do this by placing different color cases on the pillows, and washing the pillows when I do the linens each week.  So far this has been a success and my face no longer looks like a pizza.

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