Thursday, August 11, 2011

Alternative Make-up Brushes

I'm still new to make-up so I've been on the fence about spending a lot of money on brushes. After going to Michael's for art supplies, I noticed several brushes that looked a lot like professional make-up brushes. I didn't buy them then because I wanted to do research first. Low and behold, I found that a lot of make-up artists use the very brushes I saw. So on my next visit to the craft store, I picked up a couple of the brushes to try. They worked great.

So what kind of brushes are these, you ask? ***drum roll please*** They are the Loew-Cornell Maxine Mop brushes. After falling in love with these brushes, I purchased more. They come in 1", 3/4", 1/2", 3/8", and 1/4". What is so great about these brushes is that they can be used to apply, blend, shade, and feather without having to change brushes. They also work great with my homemade make-up fix (glycerin and water). The quality of the brushes is great and cleaning has been a breeze too. No shedding of bristles. On top of all of this, the most that I payed for a brush was $8. Definitely a steal compared to some of the professionals that start out around $20 a brush.

Products mentioned in this post were purchased by the blogger.  The experiences detailed are the expressed opinion of the blogger and are not influenced by the product makers or manufacturers.

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